An excursion not to be missed is the “Blue Safari”, a day completely dedicated to the sea and the discovery of the wonderful coral reef of Malindi Marine Park. We start by boat to do some snorkeling and even those who are not good swimmers can admire, through the glass bottom, colorful clown fishes and starfishes sitting comfortably inside the boat. You will reach Sardinia 2 atolls which emerge from the waters as the tide goes down and you can sunbathe lying on the white sand, refreshed by the low and crystalline water. This is the ideal place for those who have never seen the effect of a tide: you will be amazed at how much the water level can drop in a few minutes, giving you these unexpected and wonderful views.

In the meantime, prawns, octopus and lobsters will be prepared on the grill for an unforgettable boat lunch, all accompanied with drinks and fresh tropical fruits.


Mida Creek is a fascinating lagoon formed by a series of canals that meander through the thick vegetation, creating several islets.

It is located about half an hour from Malindi, towards Mombasa. A suggestive walking route winds its way through the mangroves and will give you the opportunity to enter the lagoon, where pink flamingos, herons and storks stop before the great migration to Europe. Let’s cross the “Indiana Jones Bridge”, made of boards and ropes , approximately 200 meters long, to reach your canoe dug out of tree trunks. Here we will finally explore the canals of the lagoon between birds and mangroves. And, if we are lucky, we will meet the cute dolphins that live in these waters at certain times of the year.

At low tide, the water disappears leaving space for millions of small violinist crabs. Arriving on the other side, a magnificent lobster and fresh fish lunch awaits you.


Gede is an ancient ghost town that hides in the middle of Arabuko Sokoke Forest. It is one of the best preserved archaeological sites in all of Kenya, which houses the ruins of an ancient and flourishing Islamic city of the thirteenth century, inexplicably abandoned by its inhabitants around the eighteenth century.

A large family of playful Sykes Monkeys permanently occupies the site and it is easy to see them wandering among the ruins or on the trees, becoming a pretty attraction too.


Marafa, the devil’s kitchen, is a spectacular canyon, reachable after an enchanting path that winds through acacia woods, large valleys and villages.

Once you arrive, you can walk in the canyon to discover how centuries of erosions have created incredible furrows and depressions, being fascinated by its colors, which change according to the position of the sun.

The most exciting moment will be at sunset, when the rocks light up with the colors of the fire.


The golden beach of Che Shale is so called because of the golden specks of its sand, making it look like gold.

The journey to get there is very exciting: you can travel in a 4 × 4 jeep, on the beach, riding on the irregular sand dunes and the immense Indian Ocean aside.

At Che Shale you can sunbathe, swim in the golden waters and, for those ones who are keen on kite surfing do some evolutions on the waves of the ocean or even take lessons.

A charming restaurant built with only natural materials on the sand will serve you lunch and offer sun loungers.


A small village about 20 km away from Malindi, Watamu is located in the heart of the homonymous reserve and Marine National Park.

Watamu bay is among the most beautiful beaches on the Kenyan coast! Here you can stroll along the fine sandy beach and, in the moments of low tide, admire the small islands in front, which are part of the Seven Island bay. You can also snorkel in search of the wonderful colorful fishes that live in the seabed and have lunch with grilled seafood.


Do not miss the discovery of the most famous town on the Kenyan coast, made such by the community of Italians who have been living here for decades. It will not be difficult, along its main street, to enjoy a perfect espresso coffee, sitting in one of the bars in the center, close to the main clubs that come alive with music and people at night.
But above all the city has an important historical past. You will see the monument erected in honour of  Vasco De Gama and the Portuguese chapel.

At the old market, on the other hand, you can find an innumerable variety of local handcrafted products and observe the manual skills of people who work in woodworking, a real art.

We suggest to do this tour by tuk tuk tour, the most comfortable and funny way to visit Malindi.